- Beckman Oral Motor - beckmanoralmotor.com
- Autistic Society - autisticsociety.org
- Autism Society of Illinois - autismillinois.org
- Autism Speaks - autismspeaks.org
- Global Autism Collaboration - autisticsociety.org
- The Alert Program - alertprogram.com
- The American Occupational
Therapy Association, Inc. - aota.org - American Physical Therapy Association - apta.org
- Henry Occupational Therapy Services, Inc.
ateachabout.com - Irvine Therapy Services, Inc.
irvinetherapyservices.com - The Out-of-Sync Child - out-of-sync-child.com
- TProfessional Development
Programs & PDP Products - pdppro.com - Responsible Health for Children - fit-baby.com
- Sensory Learning Center International
sensorylearning.com - Sensory Processing Disorder Foundation
- The Greenspan Floortime Approach - stanleygreenspan.com
- Interdisciplinary Council on
Development and Learning - icdl.com - RDIconnect - rdiconnect.com
- Ther-A-Play Products - theraplay.com/
- Zero to Three: National Center for Infants,
Toddlers, and Families - autisticsociety.org
ABA, VBA Approach
- Carbone Clinic - carboneclinic.com
- Christina Burk, M.A.: Consulting Behavior Analyst - christinaburkaba.com
- Partington Behavior Analysts - partingtonbehavioranalysts.com
- Earobics - earobics.com
- Scientific Learning: Fast ForWord Reading Assistant - scilearn.com
- Vital Links: Developers of Therapeutic Listening - vitallinks.net
- Language Tune-Up Kit - jwor.com
- TEACCH Autism Program - teacch.com
- TouchMath: The Alphabet of Mathematics
- Developmental Delay Resources (DDR) devdelay.org
- Kelly Dorfman: Nutrition for Mind & Mood - kellydorfman.com
- PMC Pfeiffer Medical Center - hriptc.org