Challenging children in a language and cognitively rich environment.
2225-2219 Lakeside Drive
Bannockburn, IL 60015
Phone: 847-234-0688
"Designed to enrich development for children 0-3 years old across all areas of development"

Developmental Therapists address early developmental skills across our eight domains. A user friendly home program is written, demonstrated, and return demonstrated while receiving coaching. This is the place to start for early skills such as: paying attention to speech, following eye gaze, rolling over, reaching and touching, interacting with others, object permanence, and more....

Our Early Childhood Classes include PALS (play and language stimulation), SIG (sensory integration group), and Kaleidoscope Kids (object permanence, cause and effect, means end, and early pretend play). Parents learn about toys and materials and how to use them to stimulate development. Classes can be individualized or attended with others pairs of parents and child, allowing for customization or networking, respectively.

Even if you already receive EI services, you will love taking at least occasional classes with us as we lead you through supporting your child's development with world renowned and quality materials and activities.

We specialize in Sensory Processing Challenges and corresponding feeding difficulties. Our Oral Motor and Feeding Clinic gathers a multidisciplinary team to assess feeding challenges and develop a home treatment plan with followup visits.
Challenging children in a language and cognitively rich environment.
Challenging children in a language and cognitively rich environment.