Our Program (3-6)
Jam is designed to be an integrated 7 and 7 early childhood program, specifically: 7 community peers and 7 children with mild to moderate speech, language, or social delays. The curriculum fosters participation, language, creative thinking, and interaction with peers. Our philosophy is to expose children to rich materials and experiences to boost academics, language, cognition, and social competency.
Jam is co-taught by two early childhood special education teachers also certified in reading and developmental therapy. Speech and Occupational Therapists push in daily depending on the needs of the classroom.
Our curriculum is designed to be a blend of historically successful methodologies including: Montessori; High Scope; A Cognitive Curriculum for Young Children; Waldorf; and Reggio Emilia.
"Challenging children in a language and cognitively rich environment"
Daily Activities
- Morning Work
- Circle Time
- Journals
- Snack
- Free Play
- Centers
- Independent Work
- Story Time